.. _installation_deployment: Deployment Environment ====================== Installing a Global Virtual Environment --------------------------------------- It is best practice to install `PubliForge` into a "virtual" Python environment in order to obtain isolation from any "system" packages you've got installed in your Python version. This can be done by using the `virtualenv `_ package. Using a virtualenv will also prevent `PubliForge` from globally installing versions of packages that are not compatible with your system Python. This documentation assumes that Python and virtualenv are already installed and working in your system. Install a global virtual environment for all your instances of `PubliForge`. To do so, invoke the following: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo virtualenv /usr/local/virtualenv $ sudo chown $USER -R /usr/local/virtualenv $ source /usr/local/virtualenv/bin/activate (virtualenv)$ pip install -U pip setuptools Adding a User ------------- Create a user for your instance so you can control use of resources (Cf. ``ulimit``, ``quota``...). In this documentation, we suppose the name of this user is ``pfinstance``. .. code-block:: bash $ sudo adduser pfinstance Make sure that on your system an UTF-8 locale is generated. To do so, type: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales .. _installation_deployment_packages: Installing Required Packages ---------------------------- Before installing `PubliForge`, you must have on your system the following packages: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo aptitude install python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev librsync-dev libpq-dev libaprutil1-dev libsvn-dev If you plan to use a MySQL Database: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo aptitude install libmysqlclient-dev For `LePrisme` module, you also need the following packages: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo aptitude install yui-compressor $ sudo aptitude install imagemagick optipng advancecomp jpegoptim $ sudo aptitude install ffmpeg If you plan to make ePub, you will need a Java Runtime Environment to run `ePubCheck `_. If you plan to make PDF or mathematical formulas via LaTeX, you will need: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo aptitude install dvipng $ sudo aptitude install texlive texlive-luatex texlive-xetex texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-extra $ sudo aptitude install texlive-lang-french In the last command, change `french` with your language. .. _installation_deployment_database: Setting up the Database ----------------------- You need to create the database that matches your future configuration. For instance, if you decide to use PostgreSQL (the recommended database), invoke something like: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo aptitude install postgresql $ sudo su - postgres -c "createuser --no-superuser --pwprompt publiforge" $ sudo su - postgres -c "createdb -T template0 -E UTF-8 -O publiforge PFInstance" The default password is `sesame`. If you decide to use MySQL, install the follwing Python package: .. code-block:: bash $ source /usr/local/virtualenv/bin/activate (virtualenv)$ pip install MySQL-python Then, install MySQL: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo aptitude install mysql-server $ mysql -u root -p mysql mysql> GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,INDEX,CREATE,DROP ON *.* TO publiforge@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'sesame'; mysql> CREATE DATABASE PubliForge; mysql> QUIT; Installing `PubliForge` ----------------------- Now, it is time to check out sources and install them in your virtual environment: .. code-block:: bash $ source /usr/local/virtualenv/bin/activate (virtualenv)$ pip install Mercurial (virtualenv)$ hg clone https://hg.publiforge.org/PubliForge (virtualenv)$ cd PubliForge (virtualenv)$ pip install . You can also use ``pip install -e .`` instead of ``pip install .`` to keep the link between your installation and `PubliForge` sources. In that case, you can create the cached byte-code files: .. code-block:: bash (virtualenv)$ python -m compileall publiforge/ Setting Up `PubliForge` Environment ----------------------------------- Within ``pfinstance`` home directory, make the following structure: .. code-block:: bash $ su pfinstance $ cd $ mkdir PubliForge $ cd PubliForge $ mkdir Cache Storages Builds Buildspaces And create a ``pfinstance.ini`` (or a ``production.ini``) file like the following: .. code-block:: ini # ============================================================================= [server:main] use = egg:waitress#main host = port = %(http_port)s #numthreads = 10 #timeout = 180 #request_queue_size = 200 # ============================================================================= [app:main] use = egg:PubliForge # ------ Instance defintion uid = pfinstance encryption = secretkey #maintenance = true # ------ Internationalization languages = fr, en #pyramid.default_locale_name = en #translation_dirs = # ------ Debug mode off pyramid.reload_templates = false pyramid.debug_authorization = false pyramid.debug_notfound = false pyramid.debug_routematch = false pyramid.debug_templates = false # ------------------------------ Front # ------ Skin skin.name = pfinstance skin.title = PubliForge – PFInstance #skin.static.name = #skin.static.path = #skin.favicon = #skin.css.base = #skin.css.login = #skin.css.custom = #skin.template.base = #skin.template.login = # ------ Temporary directory temporary_dir = %(here)s/Cache/Tmp # ------ Beaker cache #cache.type = file #cache.data_dir = %(here)s/Cache/BeakerCache/Data #cache.lock_dir = %(here)s/Cache/BeakerCache/Lock # ------ Beaker session #session.type = file #session.data_dir = %(here)s/Cache/BeakerSessions/Data #session.lock_dir = %(here)s/Cache/BeakerSessions/Lock session.key = PF_SESSION # ------ SQLAlchemy # ... PostgreSQL sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://publiforge:sesame@localhost/PFInstance #sqlalchemy.pool_size = 5 #sqlalchemy.max_overflow = 10 #sqlalchemy.pool_timeout = 30 # ... MySQL #sqlalchemy.url = mysql://publiforge:sesame@localhost/PFInstance?charset=utf8 #sqlalchemy.pool_recycle = 3600 # ------ Authentication #auth.cookie = PF_AUTH #auth.remember = 5184000 # ------ Page refresh #refresh.short = 2 #refresh.long = 5 # ------ Storages storage.root = %(here)s/Storages storage.index = %(here)s/StoragesIndex storage.vcs = none, local, hg, hgsvn #storage.report_ttl = 120 #storage.cache = 3600 # ------ File openers opener.roots = %(here)s/Openers opener.list = Publi*, Ini* opener.cache = %(here)s/Cache/Openers # ------ Available agents #agent.refresh = 0 #agent.synchronize = 1 agent.0.weight = 1 agent.0.password = sesame # ------------------------------ Agent # ------ Buildspaces buildspace.root = %(here)s/Buildspaces #buildspace.ttl = 2678400 # ------ Processors processor.roots = %(here)s/Processors processor.list = Publi*, PackFilling, Parallel, CharCount, DTBookValid # ------ Builds #build.reset = false build.root = %(here)s/Builds #build.ttl = 1800 #build.result_ttl = 604800 #build.concurrent = 3 # ------ Authorized fronts front.0.uid = pfinstance front.0.password = sesame # ============================================================================= [Populate] # ------ Administrator admin.login = admin admin.password = adminpwd admin.name = Administrateur admin.email = admin@prismallia.fr # ============================================================================= # ====== Logging configuration [loggers] keys = root, publiforge, sqlalchemy, activity [handlers] keys = console, activity [formatters] keys = generic, filelog # ====== Loggers [logger_root] level = WARN handlers = console [logger_publiforge] level = WARN handlers = qualname = publiforge [logger_sqlalchemy] level = WARN handlers = qualname = sqlalchemy.engine [logger_activity] level = INFO handlers = activity qualname = activity propagate = 0 # ====== Handlers [handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stderr,) level = NOTSET formatter = generic [handler_activity] class=handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler args=('%(here)s/Log/publiforge.log', 'w6', 1, 52, 'utf-8', True) level=NOTSET formatter=filelog # ====== Formatters [formatter_generic] format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s][%(threadName)s] %(message)s [formatter_filelog] format = %(asctime)s %(message)s You can read :ref:`installation_customization` for a precise customization. Populating the Database and the Storages ---------------------------------------- Use the :ref:`frontguide_scripts_pfpopulate` console script to populate your database and your storages. To do so, type the following command: .. code-block:: bash $ source /usr/local/virtualenv/bin/activate (virtualenv)$ pfpopulate pfinstance.ini .. _installation_deployment_scheduler: Activating Job Scheduler ------------------------ A ``background job`` is a processing which is periodically run by a scheduler. If you plan to use this functionality, you have to configure the CRON table of the PubliForge user. To do so, execute the following command: .. code-block:: bash $ su pfinstance pfinstance$ crontab -e And enter a configuration such as: .. code-block:: bash */6 * * * * /usr/local/virtualenv/bin/pfscheduler ~/PubliForge/pfinstance.ini Now, every 6 minutes, the PubliForge scheduler will run the pending jobs. Deploying --------- You can now deploy your instance with `Apache `_ (see :ref:`installation_deployment_apache`) or `Nginx `_ (see :ref:`installation_deployment_nginx`).