Script Guide


pfbuild is a way to launch a build on a shell.


$ pfbuild [options] <build_file> [<file> <file>...]

Available options are:

  • --help: display help and stop.
  • --list-processors: list all available processors and stop.
  • --list-variables: list all variable values and stop.
  • --show-variables: show variable parameters and values and stop.
  • --log-level=LOGLEVEL: set log level. Available values are: INFO, WARNING, ERROR or CRITICAL. The default is INFO.
  • --log-file=LOGFILE: set log file. The default behaviour is to output to console.
  • --processor-root=PROCESSOR_ROOT: override processor path.
  • --storage-root=STORAGE_ROOT: override storage path.
  • --build-root=BUILD_ROOT: override build root path.
  • --build-id=BUILD_ID: override build ID.
  • --recursive: override the recursive pack option and set it to parse recursively.

At the end of the processing, pfbuild displays result location if any.


List available processors:

$ pfbuild Configuration/Builds/publidoc2xhtml.pfbld.xml --list-processors

The build file is used to know where processors are. Nothing is processed.

List variables of a build:

$ pfbuild Configuration/Builds/publidoc2xhtml.pfbld.xml --list-variables

List variables of a build with their values, defaults and helps:

$ pfbuild Configuration/Builds/publidoc2xhtml.pfbld.xml --show-variables

Make a HTML file:

$ pfbuild Configuration/Builds/publidoc2xhtml.pfbld.xml

Add files to the list of files to process:

$ pfbuild Configuration/Builds/publidoc2xhtml.pfbld.xml Storages~/DataHg/Xml/Topics/a380.xml

Change build ID:

$ pfbuild --build_id=MyID Configuration/Builds/publidoc2xhtml.pfbld.xml

Change log level:

$ pfbuild --loglevel=ERROR Configuration/Builds/publidoc2xhtml.pfbld.xml

Set a log file:

$ pfbuild --logfile=~/Tmp/log.txt Configuration/Builds/publidoc2xhtml.pfbld.xml

XML Configuration Files

pfbuild uses a XML configuration file as first argument. This file can be obtained by exportiing it from build page.